Sunday, May 5, 2019

Hello Kitty Ice Cubes: Test 1

I'm always collecting many Sanrio ice cube trays left and right over the many years. I'm just planning ahead for my private Sanrio tea and dinner parties in my future Sanriofied home.

I would need a lot of ice trays for several or more party guests. Here are my Hello Kitty ice cubes that are a bit larger than the ones I have in storage. Nice, huh?

Below are the recently released Sanrio ice cube trays for tiny shaped character cubes. I'll have to test them out in a drink to see if they look anything like the stock picture. I won't keep my hopes that high for that experiment. I'm sure the larger the ice cube, then the image would come through better.

There was a Little Twin Stars version, but I didn't get it because it was not a Kiki or Lala shaped character. It was only star shaped. Sanrio should have made a Lala shaped ice cube mold as well as a Kiki version. Hopefully, this happens in the future. Fingers crossed.

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